$97.00 AUD

Buy Now to Get Access to the Fearless Singer Library!

How it works:

  1. Click 'Subscribe to our Email list' to receive updates to the library (you have lifelong access). 
  2. Check your inbox for a welcome email. (You'll get this if you click 'Subscribe to our Email List.')
  3. Log in at Fearless Singer Library.
  4. Find all your Library resources in the "My Courses" section.


  • Weekly Done-For-You Vocalizing Routines: never worry about how to warm up and workout your voice again. (Worth $997)
  • Access to Singers' Portal: access the singing exercises my private 1:1 clients get. (Worth $97)
  • Vocal Glow Up Guide and Masterclass: Transform your vocal practice with expert tips and exercises. (Worth $247)
  • Top Ten Gear Guide: Discover the essential gear every singer needs.
    (Worth $47)
  • Practice Journal: Stay consistent and track your progress. (Worth $27)
  • Bio Writing Course: Craft a compelling artist bio that shines. (Worth $147)
  • Badass Boundaries for Singers: Learn to set boundaries that support your creative journey. (Worth $47)
  • And more...this is a growing resource, and you have life-long access locked in at $97!


And that's just the beginning! The Inspiration Library is a growing resource that is continuously updated with new tools and guides to support your journey.

What Our Fearless Singers Are Saying:

This is EPIC! It is completely transforming my singing practice. I now have a clear, enjoyable routine that’s boosting my confidence. I can feel a difference in my singing already. Thanks, Mel - I’m excited to sing every day!”

Celia McQueen